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ENJO á Íslandi ehf

Reykjavíkurvegur 64, 220 Hafnarfjörður. - Sími 555 1515.
VSK nr. 41919.
Opið virka daga frá 11:00-16:00
Öll verð eru með VSK.
Gjaldmiðill íslensk króna.
ENJO hreingerningarvörur.
30 daga skilaréttur á vöru gegn endurgreiðslu.
Tveggja ára ábyrgð á vöru vegna framleiðslugalla.
Tökum við greiðslukortum – Visa og Mastercard.
Vara sótt á Reykjavíkurveg eða send með Íslandspósti.
Vörur pantaðar eftir kl. 12:00 fara í póst næsta virka dag.
Korthafi fær tölvupóst með staðfestingu á pöntun og greiðslu.


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ENJO Iceland explicitly reserves the right to change parts, or the whole page, alter, amend, delete or discontinue the whole online presence without prior announcement.


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ENJO Iceland hereby declares explicitly, that at the time of setting the links the linked pages did not contain any illegal information. ENJO Iceland has no influence on the actual, and future content of the linked pages. ENJO Iceland therefore explicitly distance themselves of all the changes made in the linked pages after setting the links. This also applies to third person entries in guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists, which ENJO Iceland set up.

ENJO Iceland is not responsible for the contents, availability, accuracy and preciseness of the linked pages, neither their offers, links or advertising banners. ENJO Iceland is not liable for illegal, defective or incomplete contents and particularly not for damages, which are caused by using or not using the information provided on the linked pages.


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ENJO Iceland aims to consider prevailing copyrights in all publications. If it should come to a copyright infringement anyway, ENJO Iceland will, after notification, remove or mark the respective object with the adequate copyright information. All within the ENJO Iceland homepage mentioned brands and trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners.

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This disclaimer is to be seen as part of the internet presence, which linked to this page. Should parts or single formulations not or not anymore completely apply to the prevailing legal position, the other parts of the document stay untouched in respect of their contents and validity.Iceland

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